Thursday, February 22, 2007

History of Irish Language

Recently I found and interesting article on Irish Gaelic translator forum about the history of Irish language. It was written by Pádraig whose articles can be seen here. Here is the original article:

Gaelic (Irish) is a Celtic language and, as such, is a member of the Indo-European family of languages. Within the Celtic group, it belongs to the Goidelic branch of insular Celtic. Irish has evolved from a form of Celtic which was introduced into Ireland at some period during the great Celtic migrations of antiquity between the end of the second millennium and the fourth century BC. Old Irish, Ireland’s vernacular when the historical period begins in the sixth century of our era, is the earliest variant of the Celtic languages, and indeed the earliest of European vernaculars north of the Alps, in which extensive writings are extant.

The Norse settlements (AD 800 onwards) and the Anglo-Norman colonization (AD 1169 onwards) introduced periods of new language diversity into Ireland, but Irish remained dominant and other speech communities were gradually assimilated. In the early sixteenth century, almost all of the population was Irish-speaking. The main towns, however, prescribed English for the formal conduct of administrative and legal business.

The events of the later sixteenth century and of the seventeenth century for the first time undermined the status of Irish as a major language. The Tudor and Stuart conquests and plantations (1534-1610), the Cromwellian settlement (1654), and the Williamite war (1689-91) followed by the enactment of the Penal Laws (1695), had the cumulative effect of eliminating the Irish-speaking ruling classes and of destroying their cultural institutions. They were replaced by a new ruling class, or Ascendancy, whose language was English, and thereafter English was the sole language of government and public institutions. Irish continued as the language of the greater part of the rural population and, for a time, of the servant classes in towns.

From the middle of the eighteenth century, as the Penal Laws were relaxed and a greater social and economic mobility became possible for the native Irish, the more prosperous of the Irish- speaking community began to conform to the prevailing middle-class ethos by adopting English. Irish thus began to be associated with poverty and economic deprivation. This tendency increased after the Act of Union in 1800.

Yet because of the rapid growth of the rural population, the actual number of Irish speakers increased substantially during the first decades of the nineteenth century. In 1835 their number was estimated at four million. This number consisted almost entirely of an impoverished rural population which was decimated by the Great Famine and by resultant mass emigration. By 1891, the number of Irish speakers had been reduced to 680,000 and, according to that year’s census of population, Irish speakers under the age of ten represented no more than 3.5% of their age-group.

When the position began to stabilize early in the twentieth century, Irish remained as a community language only in small discontinuous regions, mainly around the western seaboard, collectively called the Gaeltacht.

Source: History of Irish Language,

Translation Process

Wikipedia defines translation process as an activity during which a person (the translator) establishes equivalences between a text, or segments of a text, and another language.

Simple description of the translation process states that it is a process described simply as:
  1. Decoding the meaning (i.e. understanding) of the source text (in source language), and
  2. Re-encoding this meaning (i.e. translating) in the target language
Even though it sounds simple, there is a complex cognitive operation behind the entire process.

Wikipedia states that in order to decode the meaning of the source text in its entirety, the translator, more or less consciously and methodically, interprets and analyses all the features of the text, a process which requires in-depth knowledge of the grammar, semantics, syntax, idioms and the like of the source language, as well as the culture of its speakers. The translator needs the same in-depth knowledge to re-encode the meaning in the target language. In fact, many sources maintain that the translator's knowledge of the target language is more important, and needs to be deeper, than his knowledge of the source language. For this reason, most translators translate into a language of which they are native speakers (Wikipedia 2007).

Nancy C Lavallee suggests using the following steps for the translation process:
• Establish requirements
• Consult a supplier
• Secure funding
• Establish a plan
• Schedule resources
• Supply detailed information
• Inspect and deliver

The most references to the translation process can be found in relation to Bible translation. Bible as one of the oldest books has widely spread around the world in last centuries. Therefore, the translation of the bible was inevitable in order spread the God's word.

You can learn more about Bible in Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.